June 3, 2022
Consumers are looking for the personal touch. For real this time. Is it because we’re getting needy or are we just wising up to marketers-&-their-tricks? Either way, anyone in marketing (present company included) is trimming their sails to ride this wave, baby!
So, what does customer experience marketing look like in 2022?
Marketing back in the day
Used to be that brands (micro, massive & everyone in between) lived in a product economy. Companies circled each other around product and price. Which begs the question: where was the consumer in all this?
Tired of being sold at, consumers want an experience that has them personally front-and-centre. Basically we’ve gone from brand-centred, We’re selling this to you. Buy now! to consumer-centred, Want to sell me something? Hmmm… let’s chat.
In other words, Conversational Commerce.
Say what?
Conversational Commerce and how it makes me feel
Conversational Commerce revolves around making the customer’s purchase journey a good-better-best experience. Here’s how:
But . . . haven’t we been doing this already?
Yes … only now it’s more, better and different.
See, we’re now waaaaay beyond the safe zone of addressing a customer by their first name in our email campaigns and thinking that’s personalisation.
What are we talking about . . . and why does it matter?
Conversational Commerce is about humanising the process by creating a positive, personally-relevant customer experience at each and every touchpoint.
Shopify says Conversational Commerce is “the intersection of messaging apps and shopping. Meaning, the trend toward interacting with businesses through messaging and chat apps like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Talk, and WeChat. Or through voice technology, like Amazon’s Echo product, which interfaces with companies through voice commands.”
For the consumer, it’s about receiving the same kind of attention you might get from a salesperson in a brick-and-mortar store. Only online.
For the brand, there are some big benefits. Like:
How to Conversational Commerce
Are you buying it . . . ?
So it’s official: conversational commerce is changing the way we buy. The one-sided, talk-at conversation is best left to Shakespeare or in the principal’s office. (Yes, back there where bad experiences firmly belong.)